Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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arraign to bring before a court of law to respond to a charge or indictment.
chattel any article of property not attached to lands or buildings; movable property.
complement to go well with, complete, or perfect.
deviate to turn away from a direct course or one that has already been set.
dispensary a room in an institution, such as a hospital, in which medical supplies are kept and given out.
fanaticism excessive or unreasonable enthusiasm or support for something.
frugal small in amount or cost; meager.
modulate to vary the loudness, pitch, intensity, or tone of; especially soften or tone down.
pompous showing an exaggerated sense of own's own importance.
prologue an introduction to a spoken or written work such as a speech or play; preface.
quizzical expressing doubt, confusion, or questioning; puzzled.
recommence to begin or start again.
repercussion (usually plural) a result or effect of an action or event, often occurring indirectly or unexpectedly.
unseemly not in accord with accepted social standards; improper; indecorous.
utilitarian of, concerning, or aiming at usefulness.