Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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autonomy freedom and independence; self-governance.
cognitive of, pertaining to, or involving the use of the mind for acquiring knowledge and processing thought.
comprise to be made up of; consist of.
compute to figure out or calculate by using arithmetic.
enliven to cause to be lively or cheerful.
imaginable possible to picture or conceive.
inspiration a person or thing that motivates, uplifts, or gives one the confidence to do something; someone or something that inspires.
lexicon the set of terms used by an individual, a particular group, or a profession; vocabulary.
mockery contempt, derision, or ridicule, or an instance of this.
mortal not living forever; having to die some day.
negate to render ineffective or invalid; nullify.
nonetheless despite the foregoing; still; even so.
ration a fixed share or portion.
stern1 firm and determined; not flexible.
sympathetic feeling or showing understanding.