Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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allergy a reaction of your body to some substance that causes the feeling of illness. Common allergies are to animal hair, dust, pollen, and certain foods such as nuts.
attic the space in a house that is under the roof and over the ceiling of the top floor. People often store things in the attic.
bucket an open container with round sides, a flat bottom, and a curved handle at the top.
crystal a solid substance that has a repeating pattern of flat surfaces.
diner one who eats a meal.
justice the upholding of what is fair, just, and right.
patrol the act of guarding by making regular trips through.
peaceful quiet; calm.
pearl a smooth, hard, round object that is formed inside the shell of some sea animals.
plenty a full amount or supply.
same exactly alike; not at all different.
skate to move over ice or another hard surface using shoes that have a blade or wheels attached to the bottom.
suitcase a box used for carrying clothing and personal things when traveling.
tale a story.
town an area with streets, houses, and buildings that is similar to a city but usually smaller.