Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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accost to confront and speak first to, often aggressively.
anomalous differing from the norm, standard, or common type or rule; abnormal.
condescension patronizing, arrogant behavior or attitude.
covetous desiring that which belongs to another; wanting possessions; greedy.
epilogue a short concluding section to a literary work, often summarizing what later becomes of the characters.
fulcrum that which other things are contingent upon or built around; a pivotal point or agent.
impregnate to make (a female animal or human) pregnant, or to make (an egg) fertile.
inconsequential having no significant effect or result; not important.
labyrinthine complex and intricate to the point of being puzzling.
morbid in an unhealthy, gloomy mental state; preoccupied with sickness, abnormality, or death.
parable a very short story told to teach a moral or religious lesson.
penchant a strong liking for or inclination towards something.
prevalent generally accepted; pervasive; widespread.
ramification a consequence or related aspect of something; offshoot.
revile to speak about or speak to with hostile insults; disparage or abuse.