Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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accretion the process of gradual increase or growth, especially by additions from the outside.
austere having only what is needed; very simple or plain.
canny difficult to fool or take advantage of; shrewd; wary; clever.
deposition a sworn statement, usually in writing, for use as testimony by an absent witness in a court of law.
hackneyed made trite or commonplace by overuse, as an expression or phrase.
iatrogenic caused by a physician or medical treatment, especially from drugs or surgery.
immiscible not able to be mixed or blended.
ineptitude incompetence; lack of skill.
jejune lacking interest or liveliness; dull.
kismet destiny, fortune, or fate.
lacuna a gap or omitted part.
mendicant living on charity; begging.
modus operandi a method of accomplishing something; way of working.
sotto voce in a low voice or undertone, so as not to be overheard; softly (often used as a musical direction).
welter to roll about or wallow, as in mud or the open sea.