Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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academic having to do with a school.
conquest the act or process of overcoming or defeating.
considerably to a quite large degree or extent.
curator one who oversees the activities and tends the collections of a museum, library, or the like.
enterprise a plan or project that is risky, bold, or difficult to carry out; undertaking.
hospitality friendly, warm, and generous ways of entertaining or taking care of guests or strangers.
intercept to stop or take hold of; interrupt the movement or progress of.
lurid sensational; shocking or dramatic.
purely just; absolutely.
rebuke to give a sharp reprimand to; criticize.
snub to ignore as a way to show dislike, dissatisfaction, or contempt.
subordinate lower in rank or importance; secondary.
tabulate to arrange or organize systematically, especially in the form of a table.
verbal having to do with words.
verify to make sure of the truth or correctness of.