Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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bomb a metal shell filled with explosives. A bomb destroys a target by being thrown at or dropped on it.
conductor the leader of a musical group.
conversation talk between people.
convert to change into another form or state.
depart to leave; go away.
evergreen having green leaves that stay on a plant throughout the year.
garb clothes, especially those characteristic of a particular profession, way of life, or the like.
jinx someone or something that is believed to cause bad luck.
language the system of spoken or written words with which people communicate thoughts, ideas, or feelings.
margin an edge or the area near it; border.
nugget a small, solid lump.
quarterback the football player who calls the plays and handles the ball in most plays.
stream a flowing body of water such as a river, creek, or brook.
therapist one who specializes in treating people with psychological, emotional, or social problems.
upper higher in place, rank, position, or level.