Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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affirm to state or declare as true.
claustrophobia an abnormal fear of being in closed or confined places.
consumption the act or process of using up or consuming.
contribution something that is contributed.
distort to twist out of shape; change the way a thing looks or acts.
eclipse the blocking from view of the sun, a moon, or a planet by another heavenly body. In an eclipse of the sun, the sun is hidden from earth's view by the moon passing between the sun and the earth.
flammable able to catch on fire easily.
graceless inappropriate or socially awkward.
guidance the act of guiding.
hazard danger or risk.
logical resulting from clear thinking; sound.
prestige importance in the eyes of other people because of doing great things, being in high position, or having wealth.
synthesize to bring together or combine (separate elements) to form a whole.
transient brief in duration; temporary.
waive to forgo or give up (a right, claim, or privilege).