Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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city a large and important town where many people live and work.
clear used to describe the sky when there are no clouds or when there is little pollution or dust.
count to give each thing in a group a number to learn how many there are.
exit a way out.
glow a steady light, especially the light given off by something very hot.
liar a person who tells lies instead of the truth.
library a place in a town or school where you can borrow books, recorded music, and other materials.
neighborhood an area in a city, town, or other place that is different from other areas in some way.
rear being at the back part of something.
saucer a small dish used for holding a cup.
short not long in size or time.
struggle the act or an instance of making a strong effort to resist or escape, especially by wriggling the body.
thought1 the result of thinking; a single idea.
victory success in a game or war.
window an opening in a wall or vehicle that lets in air and light. The opening is usually covered by clear glass.