Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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balk to stop suddenly and refuse to go on.
blueprint a print of a drawing that shows a building plan. Blueprints usually have white lines on a blue background.
bypass a road that is built to go around a busy area or to avoid something in the way.
caption the words that describe a picture or graph in a magazine, book, or newspaper.
fictional existing only in a made-up story and not existing in real life.
fracture a break or crack.
knead to mix by pressing, folding, and pulling.
overall including nearly all; general.
posture the general position of or manner of holding the body.
privilege a right or benefit that is given only to a certain person, group, or social class.
pulverize to make into powder, as by crushing, grinding, or pounding.
saunter to walk at an unhurried, leisurely pace; stroll.
specific pertaining to a particular thing or person and to nothing else of the same kind; particular.
tolerant willing to accept or respect what is different in others, especially their beliefs and customs.
worthwhile valuable enough to be worth doing.