Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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available able to be used or possible to get.
density the state or condition of having parts very close together with little space between.
depend to trust or rely (usually followed by "on" or "upon").
deposit money that has been put in a bank, or anything that has been put somewhere and allowed to remain.
detail a small item; a particular.
devour to eat or swallow in a greedy way.
gasp a sudden, brief taking in of air through the mouth, because of surprise or difficulty breathing.
involved complicated because made up of many different connected parts or steps; intricate; complex.
machinery machines in general.
partially partly; not completely.
polish to give a shiny surface to.
rumor a piece of information or a story passed from one person to another without any proof that it is true.
supplier a person or organization that sells or provides items and services to others.
tend1 to be likely; usually do.
tint a shade of a color.