Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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contour the outline of a figure or surface; shape.
contradict to say the opposite of; deny the truth of.
convict to find guilty of a crime.
elementary having to do with the most basic or simplest parts of something.
extremist a person who takes a radical stand and encourages radical action or thinking, especially in politics.
fabrication a statement, document, or the like that is false or invented to deceive.
hospitality friendly, warm, and generous ways of entertaining or taking care of guests or strangers.
inanimate not having or showing the characteristics associated with life; lifeless.
inferior lower in rank, position, or degree.
legislation a law made by a body of government.
nauseate to cause disgust or repugnance in.
significance great value; importance.
squander to spend or expend (money, time, or effort) wastefully.
swindle to cheat out of money or property.
tart1 sour or acid in taste; sharp; biting.