Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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constitutional having to do with a constitution.
disposable meant to be thrown out after use.
embitter to make bitter the feelings or attitude of (someone).
engagement a meeting with someone at a certain time; appointment.
innocence freedom from guilt, blame, or fault.
maniac a person who has a very strong desire or enthusiasm for something.
metropolitan having to do with a large city and the communities around it.
misunderstand to fail to understand correctly; give the wrong meaning to.
practical having to do with real life and experience rather than theory.
reckon to count or estimate; figure.
segment one of the parts into which something is or can be separated.
summons a request or demand to do something.
tendency the fact of being likely to act in some way.
torment a state of great suffering of the body or mind.
wrath fierce anger.