Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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ashamed feeling shame or guilt for doing something wrong or foolish.
caper to leap, hop, or skip about in a playful way; frolic.
championship the position or title of champion.
emphasize to give particular attention to; stress.
impatient not willing or able to wait calmly.
jury a group of people called to a court of law who listen to the facts of a case and decide its outcome.
occurrence an event that takes place; incident.
profession a job or type of work that needs special training or study.
repair to put in good condition again after damage has been done; fix.
smuggle to take in or out of a country illegally.
sweeten to cause to be sweet or sweeter in taste.
teammate a member of the same team or group.
total the whole amount; sum.
transfer the act of moving something from one person or place to another.
typical having the distinctive qualities of a particular type of person or thing.