Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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cast a thick, stiff covering for an injured limb or joint, especially one in which the bone is broken. A cast is made of cloth and some kind of liquid material that can become very hard and solid.
copy something that looks exactly like another thing.
dancer someone who is dancing or whose profession is dancing.
driver a person who drives, or a person whose job is to drive.
fit to be the right shape and size for someone or something.
heat the form of energy that you feel as warmth.
inn a small hotel for people who are travelling.
news information about important events happening in the present. The news is presented on television or radio or in a newspaper or magazine.
originally at first.
poison a substance that can kill or seriously harm living beings if it is swallowed, breathed, or taken in.
present1 the period of time between the past and future.
quite completely.
simple easy to do or understand.
stamp to push down against a surface with a hard fast motion.
van a tall, covered truck or car used to move people or goods.