Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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clump a group of things close together.
galaxy a collection of billions of stars and other matter held together by gravity. Our planet Earth and the sun belong to the Milky Way galaxy. They are only tiny parts of this galaxy.
holster a case for a gun or pistol that can be attached to a belt and is made of leather or other material.
laundry clothing, sheets, and other things that are cleaned by washing or that are washed and ironed.
marine having to do with the sea; living in or caused by the sea.
poetry short pieces of writing, in general, that use special rhythm, imaginative language, and often rhyme to create beauty or express unique thoughts and feelings.
property all of one's possessions taken as a whole, or a part of those possessions.
recollect to bring back from memory; remember; recall.
rickety likely to fall over or fall apart; shaky.
routine a regular course of action.
scientific having to do with science.
security freedom from fear or danger; safety.
semester one half of a school or college year.
squirt to be shot out in a thin jet; spurt.
weary tired in body or mind; fatigued.