Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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adaptation the act or process of changing or adjusting something to fit in a new role or context.
administration the people in charge of taking care of or managing something as a group.
ballad a poem or song that tells a story.
deploy to move, position, or distribute so as to make ready or effective for a particular purpose.
detain to keep from going on; stop or delay.
hearth the floor of a fireplace, or the stone or brick area in front of it.
liable held responsible by law.
meditation sustained thought or self-forgetful concentration, especially for the purposes of religious devotion or relaxation.
millennium a unit of time equal to one thousand years.
mutilate to destroy by cutting or tearing off a necessary part.
publication the act of publishing printed material.
quirk an odd personal trait; idiosyncrasy.
rendezvous a meeting that has been arranged ahead of time.
synthetic made with chemicals formed in a laboratory instead of something found in nature; man-made; artificial.
woe great suffering or sorrow.