Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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adulteration the act or process of making worse or impure by adding unnecessary or inferior ingredients.
ascertain to learn without question; determine.
avow to assert or affirm.
burgeon to start to grow; send forth shoots, leaves, buds, or the like (often followed by "out" or "forth").
cynosure a thing or person that is the center of attention and admiration.
emulous filled with the desire to equal or surpass.
fealty faithfulness or loyalty.
gamut the whole extent or range of anything.
hackneyed made trite or commonplace by overuse, as an expression or phrase.
heinous extremely wicked or despicable; atrocious.
innocuous not capable of causing damage; harmless.
intransigence refusal to alter one's ideas or position in response to the wishes of others.
libertine acting without restraint; dissolute; amoral.
limn to paint or draw.
pungency sharpness or bite in taste or smell.