Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bar a long piece of solid material used to support something, hold something together, or keep something outside or inside.
booth a closed place or stall that has room for one person or a small group.
crime something that people do that is against the law.
elevator a device that carries people or things from one floor to another in a building. An elevator is like a small room or platform that moves up and down.
gong a large piece of metal shaped like a plate that makes a loud ringing sound when struck with a stick or hammer.
hairy covered with or having a lot of hair.
harbor a safe area of water where people can leave their boats.
late happening after the usual or expected time.
mind the part of a person that thinks, understands, remembers, imagines, and feels.
season one of the four parts of the year, the seasons are spring, summer, fall (autumn), and winter.
shear to cut off with scissors or a tool like scissors.
special different from others; unique.
split a division between two or more people.
square a flat, closed figure with four straight sides of equal length and four equal corners.
write to form letters or words on a surface with a pen, pencil, or some other thing.