Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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arrears the state of being delinquent in the payment of financial obligations (usually preceded by "in").
delude to cause to hold a false belief; mislead; deceive.
fleck a small patch of light or color.
fodder feed for farm animals, such as stalks of corn cut and mixed with hay.
hoodwink to trick, deceive, or dupe.
irascible easily angered or irritated; short-tempered.
liability the condition of or potential for being held responsible.
loquacity the quality or an instance of talking a great deal or excessively; talkativeness.
pompous showing an exaggerated sense of own's own importance.
sally a sudden forward attack or rush from a defensive position by a military force.
sinuous having many curves or turns.
tussle to fight or struggle roughly or energetically; scuffle.
unassailable not open to attack, doubt, or denial.
untainted not contaminated or polluted.
vignette a brief written or musical sketch, or brief film scene, that describes or characterizes a person, incident, situation, or the like.