Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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accompany to go with.
approximation an estimate; guess.
cloak a long, loose, outer garment without sleeves.
compel to force or drive to do something.
deflate to cause to shrink or collapse by letting out air or gas.
enumeration the act or process of naming or listing one by one.
ignorant without knowledge or education.
indignation righteous anger in response to something considered unjust or unworthy.
intent1 plan; aim; intention.
notorious known for something bad.
notwithstanding in spite of; despite (sometimes used after its object rather than before).
pun a humorous play on words based on two words that are close in sound but different in meaning.
script the written text of a play, movie, or television show.
sovereignty supreme power or authority, especially over a state or other political body.
suffrage the right to vote or the exercise of this right.