Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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clumsy without physical grace or control; awkward.
clutter to fill or litter with a messy collection of things.
disappear to be no longer seen.
impressive having a lasting effect on the mind or feelings; making a strong impression.
perpetual lasting forever.
posse a group of people gathered by a sheriff to help pursue and bring in a criminal.
readily promptly or easily.
revenge to get even for or pay back by causing injury or harm.
sabotage secret activity that causes damage to enemy property or causes disturbance to an enemy's operations.
technical having to do with special skills or techniques.
thermometer an instrument for measuring temperature. Some thermometers are made of a closed glass tube containing mercury or alcohol that rises or falls as the temperature rises or falls.
trespass an act of entering the property of another without permission, which is against the law.
trinket a small piece of jewelry or other object used for decoration, usually inexpensive.
vegetation plants or plant life in a particular place.
worry to feel anxious, troubled, or uneasy.