Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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admonish to warn or caution.
assimilate to adapt and conform.
bogus not authentic; counterfeit.
codicil an addition or appendix, especially one modifying the terms of a will.
denote to be a mark or sign of.
expendable considered able to be replaced, given up, or sacrificed.
incorporeal without material being; bodiless; insubstantial.
mire deep, heavy mud or soil.
phenomenal amazing or extraordinary.
predilection an inclination to favor something; partiality or preference.
pronouncement a formal or official declaration.
severance the act, process, or result of breaking off or separating.
unvaried marked by a lack of diversity; never changing.
virtuoso a person who demonstrates exceptional ability, style, or skill, especially in music.