Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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accurately correctly or precisely; without making any mistakes.
avenger one who inflicts suffering in order to punish or gain retribution for a wrong.
carat a unit of weight for diamonds and other gems, equal to one-fifth of a gram.
counterpart someone or something that is just like or similar to another.
destiny that which has happened or must happen to someone because of fate or luck.
emit to send out or give off.
laden filled with a great weight.
measly (informal) ridiculously inadequate or unsatisfactory; paltry.
organizational of or relating to organization or an organization.
pigment anything that is used to or serves to provide color.
publicity information given out through the media that gets the attention of the public.
revive to bring back into use or popularity.
stationary not moving; still.
stoke to add to and stir up the fuel of.
thrifty prudent in the management and spending of money; economical.