Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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check to look at something in order to make sure that it is right or correct.
cook to prepare food for eating by using heat.
exercise activity that improves the health of the body or mind.
fight a battle or argument.
form the shape or structure of something.
junior of a lower position or rank.
listen to try to hear.
mail letters, packages, and other things sent and received through an official system.
marker a pen, usually with a felt tip, that makes thick lines of ink and is used for writing and drawing.
oil a slippery liquid that comes from minerals, animals, plants, or chemicals.
owe to have to pay; be in debt to someone.
rack a frame or stand used to hold, hang, or show things.
refuse1 to not accept or agree to something; to say "no."
ship a large boat that carries people or things through deep water.
warrior a person who fights; a soldier.