Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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abundance a very large amount; plentiful supply.
amiss in the wrong way.
aquatic of or taking place on the water.
burrow a hole or tunnel dug by certain animals for use as a hiding place or home.
compute to figure out or calculate by using arithmetic.
cultural of or relating to the language, customs, ideas, and art of a particular group of people.
exploit1 a deed of daring or courage.
hazy marked or clouded by haze; misty.
immense very large; huge.
inflame to stir up or intensify.
liquefy to reduce to or become a fluid.
lodge to be or become caught or stuck in a certain position.
moderate not too much or too little; within limits.
mystify to confuse or puzzle, often on purpose.
strew to scatter or sprinkle.