Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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administrative of or pertaining to matters of management or to people involved in the daily running of institutions or businesses.
charisma an unusual ability to influence people and arouse devotion.
default to fail to perform an action or fulfill an obligation legally or morally required, especially to fail to pay money that is owed.
dispense to give out in portions; distribute.
downplay to dismiss the significance of; minimize.
functional serving a purpose or able to serve the intended purpose.
madden to enrage or inflame.
mock to make fun of in a mean way.
rejoice to be full of joy or show great pleasure (sometimes followed by "in").
renew to make like new; restore.
similarly in the same way or in the same amount.
solely only; for no other reason; completely.
swivel a device that allows the object fastened or mounted to it to turn freely or pivot.
treachery a breaking of faith or loyalty; betrayal.
untrustworthy not to be depended upon for honesty, loyalty, or responsible conduct.