Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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alteration the state or process of altering.
cleanse to make clean; remove dirt from.
developmental of or having to do with how someone or something grows and evolves from the earliest stages.
embed to set firmly in some surrounding material.
foster to aid and encourage the growth or development of.
outrage an act that causes a strong feeling of anger because of its violence or cruelty.
philosophical of or pertaining to the nature and principles of knowledge, truth, existence, and moral and aesthetic values.
plea a serious or sincere call for help; appeal.
practitioner a person working in a trade, occupation, or profession.
savanna a flat plain covered with grass that also has scattered trees. Savannas are found in Africa and other tropical regions.
specialize to devote one's attentions to a specific pursuit or field of study.
spokesman a man who speaks for one or more other persons.
toxin any poisonous substance that is produced by living cells or living organisms.
unify to make into a single unit or thing; bring together; unite.
variation the act or process of changing, or the condition of being changeable.