Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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absent not present; away from where one usually is.
bravery the quality or condition of not feeling fear; courage.
commotion a noisy confusion; disorder.
convert to change into another form or state.
deputy a person appointed to assist and sometimes act in the place of someone else.
laboratory a place used for scientific investigation and experiments.
maximum being or having the largest amount or number possible.
outer of or having to do with the part most distant from the center.
peddle to offer for sale on the street or from door to door.
practically almost; nearly.
pulley a simple machine that makes lifting something easier. A pulley has a wheel or set of wheels with grooves that a rope or chain can be pulled over.
solid having a firm shape or form that can be measured in length, width, and height; not like a liquid or a gas.
sow1 to plant or scatter in or over the ground.
touchdown the act of scoring six points in football by catching or carrying the ball behind the opponent's goal line.
wealth a large amount of money or property or the state of having such.