Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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bivouac a temporary encampment, especially military, without protecting shelter.
expedient suitable or advantageous for the purpose or in the circumstances.
habitable capable of being lived in.
hedonistic adhering to or characterized by the principle that pleasure should be the primary aim in life.
indelible incapable of being removed or obliterated; permanent.
inept lacking skill or aptitude; incompetent.
inquisition an official inquiry, especially for the purpose of enforcing political, social, or religious conformity.
peruse to read or examine attentively and in detail.
piquant of food, having a deliciously sharp or spicy taste.
prelude an introductory event or act; preface; preliminary.
reformatory a corrective institution for disciplining and re-educating young offenders.
sagacity the quality of having keen judgment and common sense; wisdom.
sentient having the capacity to receive sensations; able to perceive.
totality the state or quality of being total.
viscid of a gluelike consistency.