Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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acclaim to show enthusiastic approval of.
conformist one who tends to act in accordance or compliance with established standards or norms.
cynicism an attitude of doubt or mistrust toward human nature and the possibility of good or selfless motives.
guile deceitfulness, treachery, or skillful cunning; wiliness.
heresy a religious belief or doctrine not in keeping with the established doctrine of a church, especially the rejection of or dissent from any aspect of Roman Catholic Church dogma by a baptized church member.
impart to give all or a part of; bestow or transmit.
perturb to cause great disturbance in (the mind); agitate or worry.
pompous showing an exaggerated sense of own's own importance.
preposterous totally unlikely, unbelievable, or senseless; absurd.
respective of or belonging to each one.
sagacity the quality of having keen judgment and common sense; wisdom.
suave polished and urbane.
sumptuous large, lavish, or splendid, especially when created at great cost.
ubiquitous being or appearing to be in all places at the same time; omnipresent.
zealot a person who is excessively and often intolerantly enthusiastic, especially about a cause or religious faith; fanatic.