Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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blemish to damage or spoil the perfection of.
boisterous loud, unrestrained, and in high spirits; rowdy.
chronic tending to a certain behavior or illness over a long time or without stopping.
conventional put in place by custom or use; traditional.
deprive to take away from; not allow to have.
dominate to control by the use of power; rule.
hazardous full of danger; having great or many risks.
integrate to bring together and mix into a whole.
intuitive having or resulting from the ability to know or apprehend without using the process of logical thought or reasoning.
jealousy a feeling of envy towards another person and what he or she has or can do.
mockery contempt, derision, or ridicule, or an instance of this.
ornery mean; stubborn.
rebellious unwilling to accept one's situation or submit to the will of others.
reception the act or process of receiving.
tarnish to dull the luster or color of.