Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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blush to become red in the face because of shame or embarrassment.
courtesy good, polite manners.
courthouse a building where courts of law and other government offices are located.
homework work that a teacher asks students to do at home.
jewelry things made of special stones and metal worn on the body for decoration. Rings, necklaces, and bracelets are some kinds of jewelry.
murder the crime of killing a person.
mysterious not known and not able to be explained.
open not shut or closed.
peanut a seed that people eat like a nut but grows under the ground and is in the same family of plants as beans.
return to go back or come back.
rub to push back and forward across something using pressure.
shack a small, cheaply constructed building, used as a house or for storage.
spear1 a weapon with a long wooden shaft and a sharp pointed tip. Spears are thrown or thrust with the hand.
threaten to say that you will harm or punish some person or group if something that you demand is not done.
thunder the loud noise you sometimes hear during a violent rain storm.