Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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asylum a place that offers safety.
conversion the changing of a person's religious beliefs.
curt rudely short or brief in speech.
ecology the scientific study of the relationships between living things and their environments.
horde a large number, group, or crowd.
inferior lower in rank, position, or degree.
matchless1 being unsurpassed; without peer.
mistaken being an error.
onward toward a point or position ahead in space or time.
precede to come before in time.
reverie a state of daydreaming, reminiscing, or musing.
siege a military act of surrounding a city or base, attacking it, and cutting off supplies. The goal of a siege is to force the city or fort to surrender.
specify to name or otherwise indicate explicitly.
standardize to cause to conform to a model or rules.
unanimous in complete agreement.