Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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airport a large area of land where airplanes come and go.
awake to rouse from sleep.
beg to ask a favor of; to plead for.
dock1 a raised, flat surface that is built out into the water.
during all through a certain period of time.
habit a regular action or activity.
kingdom a country that is ruled by royalty.
meet to see and begin to know someone; be introduced to.
muscle the soft pieces of flesh in animals and humans that make the bones move.
program a plan of what will be done or take place.
recently in the near past.
send to cause to be carried to another place, especially by mail.
shower a period of rain that lasts a short time.
sturdy strong or solid; hard to break.
wade to walk in water or something else that makes movement slower or more difficult.