Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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cede to give up or surrender, especially formally.
conciliate to overcome the anger, distrust, or animosity of; appease; placate.
convoke to summon to an assembly; marshal.
cordon a chain of guards or military stations forming a defense or containment line around an area.
demur to object or indicate opposition to something.
egotistical self-centered or selfish.
evoke to call forth or bring out (an image, memory, response, or the like) in the mind or in action.
harangue a long, vehement, and often pompous speech or piece of writing, especially such a speech delivered in public; tirade.
inept lacking skill or aptitude; incompetent.
inexcusable unable to be justified; unpardonable.
prevaricate to lie, mislead, or conceal the truth deliberately.
sect any group, especially a religious group such as a denomination, that is united by a common belief, ritual, or the like.
succumb to give in or give way to a fatal illness, superior force, overwhelming desire, or the like; yield.
veneer a superficial outward appearance or show.
verdant green.