Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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cramp1 a sharp pain in a muscle that suddenly becomes tight.
dawn the first light of day that appears in the morning.
delight great pleasure.
easy not difficult.
escape to get free from something; to get away.
jet an airplane with engines that give off a flow of heated gases to cause forward movement.
journey a long trip from one place to another.
lemon a small, sour fruit with yellow skin. Lemons grow on trees.
lose to no longer have something because you do not know where it is.
streak a long, narrow line or mark.
table a piece of furniture with a flat top supported by one or more legs.
tear1 a drop of liquid that comes from the eye. Tears clean the eye and keep it wet.
tower a tall, narrow building or part of a building that rises high above the ground.
umbrella a device that protects you from the rain. It has cloth stretched over a wire frame that is held up by a long handle.
vacation a period of rest from school, work, or other activities.