Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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baneful causing or leading to death, destruction, or ruin; harmful or deadly.
belabor to continue excessive efforts on or excessive discussion of.
chary not dispensing freely.
deign to consider some act to be appropriate or in keeping with one's dignity; condescend.
demulcent an oily or sticky substance used especially to soothe irritation in mucous membranes.
electuary a drug mixed with honey, syrup, or the like to form a paste to be smeared on the teeth or gums of a sick animal.
fealty faithfulness or loyalty.
garble to mix up, distort, or confuse (a message, translation, or the like); cause to be disordered or unintelligible.
imbroglio a difficult, confused, or complicated situation, often involving a misunderstanding, disagreement, or quarrel.
incumbent currently holding an office or position.
maunder to speak in an aimless or foolish way; babble.
reconnaissance the act or process of examining an area, especially to gain militarily useful information.
remonstrate to say in opposition, protest, or objection.
solipsism the self-centered habit of interpreting and judging all things exclusively according to one's own concepts of meaning and value.
tort in law, any civil rather than criminal harm or injury that violates the implicit duty of each citizen not to harm others, and for which one may bring a civil suit and collect compensation.