Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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accrue to grow or accumulate over time, especially as something of benefit.
decimation the act of destroying a large part or number of something.
egotist a conceited person; braggart.
inscrutable impossible to comprehend or interpret; mysterious.
juxtaposition the state of being placed side by side, especially for the purposes of comparison and contrast.
languid lacking or not showing strength, energy, or spirit; weak, slow, or listless.
meticulous very careful or precise.
omnivorous living on a diet of both plant and animal food.
permeable of a substance, being such that gas or liquid can penetrate or diffuse through it.
retentive having the ability to remember.
savant a person of deep learning; scholar.
slake to satisfy or relieve (thirst, appetite, lust, or the like) by decreasing the strength or intensity of.
sprightly lively, spirited, or energetic.
temperamental changeable as to mood, nature, operability, or the like; unpredictable.
waiver the intentional relinquishing of a right, claim, or privilege, or a suspension of an existing rule or policy.