Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bathe to give a bath to; wash.
call to say in a loud voice or shout out.
crack a break in something.
fact something known or proved to be true.
freeze to make into ice or become solid from cold temperatures.
imagination the power of the mind to make a thought or picture of something that is not real.
knee the joint between the upper and lower part of the leg.
musician a person who has skill at playing, singing, or writing music.
pan an open, metal container for cooking or baking.
quick happening very soon.
robbery the act of stealing money or property from a person or place; the act of robbing.
shower a period of rain that lasts a short time.
smack to hit noisily with an open hand; slap.
sorrow the feeling of being sad.
spare available for use at a later time.