Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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atavism the recurrence or reappearance of a particular trait, style, attitude, or behavior that seemed to have disappeared, or that which has recurred or reappeared after such an absence.
banal lacking originality or liveliness; disappointingly ordinary; commonplace; trite.
compunction uneasiness about the propriety or suitability of an action; qualm.
effete marked by excessive refinement or delicateness of taste.
electuary a drug mixed with honey, syrup, or the like to form a paste to be smeared on the teeth or gums of a sick animal.
espouse to take up, hold, or commit oneself to (a cause, idea, or belief); embrace.
incumbent currently holding an office or position.
inveigle to entice or ensnare by clever talk or flattery.
libertine acting without restraint; dissolute; amoral.
lugubrious sad or mournful, especially in an exaggerated way; gloomy.
magnum opus a great work of art, literature, or music, especially a particular person's masterpiece.
maunder to speak in an aimless or foolish way; babble.
nonpareil a person or thing whose excellence is unequaled; paragon.
reprise repetition of a musical phrase or theme in an identical or slightly altered way.
shunt to turn or move aside or out of the way; divert.