Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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claustrophobia an abnormal fear of being in closed or confined places.
clinical of or related to direct observation and treatment of patients, as opposed to theory or laboratory research.
consecutive following one after another without a break.
conversion the changing of a person's religious beliefs.
exhale to breathe out; give out breath or vapor.
formulation the process or result of clear, methodical development or articulation.
gourmet a person who loves and knows much about good food and fine wine.
innocence freedom from guilt, blame, or fault.
investor a person or company that puts money into use for the purpose of making more money.
mechanism the working or moving part or process that causes a result.
parch to make very dry by heating.
plea a serious or sincere call for help; appeal.
shortcoming a fault or weakness in character, behavior, or ability.
specific pertaining to a particular thing or person and to nothing else of the same kind; particular.
underestimate to appraise at too low a quantity, rate, strength, value, or the like.