Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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appall to cause to feel shock or horror.
arrangement the way in which a group of things lie or have been placed.
crush to cause to lose shape or become flat by pressing or squeezing very hard.
foreign in, from, or having to do with a country that is not one's own.
geography the physical features of an area on the earth's surface.
guzzle to drink or eat very quickly and in a large amount, as if greedy or in great need.
medicine a drug or other substance used to treat a disease, injury, pain, or other symptoms.
overrule to rule or decide against.
personality all of the qualities of a person that make that person different from others.
pursue to follow in order to reach or catch; chase.
require to need.
retailer a person or business or who sells goods directly to the public.
ripen to become or cause to become ripe or ready.
similar having resemblance or likeness.
waggle to sway, shake, or move unsteadily from side to side; wobble.