Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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antidote a substance that stops poison from working or cures a disease.
assign to set apart or give out for a particular use.
ballot a piece of paper on which people who are voting enter their choices.
ceremony a formal act or series of acts done in a particular way to honor a special occasion.
character all those things that make a person, place, or thing different from others.
comrade a close friend who shares one's main interests.
dash to move swiftly; run rapidly; rush.
defendant a person who is accused or sued in a court of law.
dessert a sweet food served at the end of a meal.
dial a disk that has numbers and a moving pointer that shows time, weight, speed, or some other measure.
groove a long narrow cut or dent in a surface.
perfect free from mistakes or faults.
tattle to tell secrets or give information about another person.
upholstery materials used to cover furniture.
volume a collection of pages of writing or print bound together; book.