Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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aesthete one who is or professes to be particularly attentive to and appreciative of beauty, especially in the arts.
bawdy coarsely or indecently humorous; risqué.
bedizen to dress or decorate in a flashy, garish fashion.
bilious ill-tempered; irritable.
entity anything that exists objectively and distinctly, whether nonliving or living; thing or being.
gaseous in the form of or resembling a gas.
inane devoid of meaning or substance; nonsensical.
intolerant not able or not willing to accept different opinions, beliefs, customs, or people; not tolerant.
mores the behaviors and manners accepted and expected in a social group, embodying its fundamental moral standards.
necessitate to make unavoidable; require.
nomenclature a specialized system or set of names and terms used in a particular science, art, or other field of study or training.
propriety proper or appropriate behavior.
recipient one who accepts something that has been sent or given, or one who has been awarded something.
revue a form of entertainment consisting of a series of songs, comic routines, and dances, often as parodies of current affairs and people.
sully to make dirty or tarnished.