Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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admonish to warn or caution.
artisan a person skilled in making things, especially by using the hands. People such as those who make furniture, quilts, or other crafts are artisans.
codicil an addition or appendix, especially one modifying the terms of a will.
credulity an inclination to believe or trust, especially without sufficient basis or evidence; gullibility.
delineate to describe or portray in precise or vivid detail.
dissuade to urge or convince not to do something.
exhaustive thorough and all-encompassing.
expendable considered able to be replaced, given up, or sacrificed.
prodigy a person, especially a young one, of exceptional talent or ability.
quaff to drink, especially deeply and with obvious enjoyment.
solace comfort or consolation in times of sorrow or suffering.
sprightly lively, spirited, or energetic.
tenable able to be upheld, affirmed, supported, or defended; logical.
therapeutic of, pertaining to, or capable of healing; curative.
ultimatum a final statement of demands, especially when issued with a threat of action if rejected, as in a diplomatic discussion.