Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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answer what you say or write after someone asks you a question; a reply.
carry to hold and take from one place to another.
death the end of life in any living thing.
disgust to cause a strong feeling against something; to cause someone to feel sick.
evil anything very wrong or bad that hurts people or animals and is done without concern for the pain of others; wickedness.
explore to travel in order to discover or search for something.
fade to lose color.
favor something kind you do for someone else.
freeze to make into ice or become solid from cold temperatures.
group a collection of people, things, or ideas that are in one place or have important things in common.
independence freedom from outside control.
remember to bring into your mind from your memory.
sign something that shows a fact, event, or some other thing.
stroke a single mark made in writing or painting, or the act of making such a mark.
wagon a small, open cart with four wheels and a handle, used as a child's toy.