Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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apparently judging from all available information or visible evidence; seemingly.
argue to give reasons for or against something.
bicker to quarrel about something that does not matter.
coordinator a person who organizes a complex event or project that involves the contributions of other people.
core the hard center part of certain fruits.
erosion wearing away of the earth's surface by wind or water.
fleece the wool of an animal, usually a sheep.
glum in low spirits; sad or gloomy.
legion an army unit in ancient Rome that was made up of soldiers on foot and on horseback.
manager the person who controls a business or acts as the leader of a plan or project.
rude showing poor manners; not polite.
stride to walk with long, even steps.
trample to step on in a heavy or noisy way; to crush with the feet; stamp (usually followed by "on", "upon," or "over").
trauma an emotional shock that has a deep effect on one's life for a long time.
vicious wicked; evil.