Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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appeal a serious and sincere request for help.
bouquet a bunch of flowers, often arranged in a special way to be attractive.
complain to express pain, sadness, or unhappy feelings about something.
convert to change into another form or state.
destructive causing complete ruin or destruction.
eavesdrop to listen to other people talk without letting them know.
enclose to close in or shut in with walls or a container.
envelop to cover, wrap, enclose, or surround.
fluid a liquid or gas. A fluid flows easily and takes the shape of the container that holds it. Water and air are fluids.
ghost the spirit of a person who has died, especially one that is believed to haunt a place or living people.
melt to change from a solid to a liquid state through heat or pressure.
nuclear of, or having to do with, or being the nucleus of an atom or a cell.
shred a long strip that is torn or cut off, or almost torn off.
suspicious causing questions or doubt.
wipe to clean or dry by rubbing lightly with a soft cloth, paper, or one's hand.