Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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allocate to assign or set aside (money or other resources) for some specific use.
analyze to separate into parts for close study; examine and explain.
conceal to hide or keep hidden from sight.
dainty small, pretty, and delicate.
dictator a ruler who has total authority.
girder a heavy beam made of steel or wood used to support the floor or framework of a bridge or building.
illustrate to explain or make clear by giving examples.
literally word for word.
outbreak a sudden breaking out or increase in activity of disease.
pretense an act or instance of pretending; sham or fiction.
probability the condition or fact that something might happen.
proportion a part of a whole.
synthetic made with chemicals formed in a laboratory instead of something found in nature; man-made; artificial.
tact the ability to say or do the right thing when dealing with others in a difficult situation.
taut tightly drawn, pulled, or stretched; not loose.